"For me, my journey through life is inspiring my work. Almost everything inspires me--everything from Alice's

Adventures in Wonderland to Bowling for Soup singing about that one person they can't get. My works are life

 translated through my head."

Cat Stabile-Whitney, March 2010

Artist Biography:

Cat Stabile-Whitney is a young artist from the Sacramento area in Northern California who hopes to slip under a pseudonym in the near future, or a 'paintbrush-name' as she prefers to refer to it as. She's been interested in art her entire life, watching her much-older-than-her brother drawing, well. She began painting when she was a freshman in high school, focused on acrylic on canvas, and is always exploring something new in art. Cat Stabile-Whitney also enjoys writing, dancing, and sadly attempting to play guitar.

"I've seriously been in here for three days. Haven't gone to second or third. It's like, 'Oh, I have other classes?!'"
-Cat Stabile-Whitney, May 2011

Artist's Statement

 Cat Stabile-Whitney explores the tension between the individual and the issues within everyday life. Stabile-Whitney continues to create narrative work, which comments on the themes of society, from individualism to conformity to the meaning of life. Stabile-Whitney enjoys painting an intriguging abtract scene, yet fills the picture with depictions of sad-eyed girls.

 "Without Cordell, I wouldn't be a painter. Without Stephens, I wouldn't be badass. True story."
-Cat Stabile-Whitney, July 2010

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